My own personal stats are:
68 rides (just under 3 per month)
56 miles.
These stats reflect the way I use CaBi. I use my own bike for commuting and for trips from home to Metro, local shops and around town. There are no stations near my house.
I primarily use CaBi when I go into DC via Metro and then want to travel from one location to another. Or if I want to shorten my trip by replacing a Metro transfer with a bike ride. My most common trip is between Foggy Bottom and DuPont. On Metro I would have to switch between the Orange and Red lines. On CaBi, it's a 7-9 minute ride--faster than the Metro. And often I end closer to my destination.
With CaBi expanding to new areas, I may have even more opportunities in the future. Hope to see you out there on the red bikes!
The bikes lined up on the plaza ready to be staged |
Remember this guy? |