Glenn Beck:

- Global Warming Takes More Heat
- Climate-Gate
Sean Hannity

- Snowpacolypse
- Debate's Over
I wonder if they are aware that back in 2007, News Corp, which Fox News is part of, made a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2010? They have an entire web microsite devoted to it. Presumably, Rupert Murdoch, who owns News Corp had a reason for making this proclamation
Here is an excerpt from their press release announcing their initiative:
NEW YORK, NY, May 9, 2007 – News Corporation today announced its strategy to address its use of energy and impact on the climate. The company’s goals are to reduce its operations’ carbon emissions significantly and to engage its 47,000 employees and its millions of readers, viewers and web users around the world on this issue.
All News Corporation business units will become carbon neutral by 2010 – through energy efficiency, buying renewable power and offsetting otherwise unavoidable emissions. Becoming carbon neutral is only the beginning of the company’s permanent commitment to change the way it uses energy and to reach its audiences on this issue.
Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch said in an address to employees in New York today, “If we are to connect with our audiences on this issue, we must first get our own house in order. We have just begun this effort, and we have a long way to go. Our global reach gives us an unprecedented opportunity to inspire action from all corners of the world. The climate problem will not be solved without mass participation by the general public everywhere.”
In addition, Peter Chernin, President & Chief Operating Officer of News Corporation has stated, "We really want this to impact every single part of this corporation."
Evidently it has not impacted at least one part of the organization.
Tony Vinciquerra, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fox Networks Group said, "It has been absolutely mind-boggling to me, the level of commitment from the number of people who contacted me directly to do this. And it's been quite rewarding to know that so many of our employees are just so dedicated and just so interested and want to get involved in such an exciting project."

One has to wonder why Mr. Murdoch put this initiative in place but still allows mouthpieces like Hannity and Beck to influence millions of people incorrectly and continue to sow doubt and delay taking action to battle climate change. There appears to be an enormous disconnection here. Does Rupert sleep well at night?
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