Monday What's on the Web: The Daily Climate

Each Monday I highlight other bloggers or web contributors who are making important or interesting contributions to climate, sustainability, transportation or market transformation. Check back each week for another installment.
 The Daily Climate does two things: it collects dozens of stories related to climate change from around the world, and it publishes some of its own reporting on its Newsroom page.  Its collection of news from around the world is quite comprehensive, and its a great site to bookmark for the latest links to articles of all types.  TDC categorizes stories into eleven different categories such as: energy, politics, solutions, acidification and others.  It describes its mission as follows:
The Daily Climate works to increase public understanding of climate disruption, including its scope and scale, potential solutions and the political processes that impede or advance them.
The Daily Climate does not espouse a political point of view on the news but instead reports the truth to the best of our ability. Editorial integrity is the foundation of our mission.
Establishing the trust of our readers is a fundamental editorial objective; all of our reporting, editing and publishing adheres to the highest standards of journalism, including honesty, accuracy, balance and objectivity.
Towards that goal, the Daily Climate offers enterprise reporting on relevant topics alongside a unique daily aggregation of global journalism on climate science.
The Daily Climate's aggregation represents the news of the day, irrespective of the opinion or viewpoint expressed, or whether or not material in the article is consistent with our understanding of current science. We often publish several articles from different newspapers covering the same story, as well as multiple editorials and op-eds about the same subject. We take this approach based on the belief that readers who come to want to see a wide range of how issues are being covered by the mainstream press.
I think it does a pretty good job of meeting this mission.

Its own reporting is less frequent, with new articles appearing every few days from its several climate writers.  Recent articles include:

Fear and loathing in the warming world 

Opinion: Feds fall short in pricing climate disruption 

Climate adaptation: Adding to a tide of worry

You can subscribe to their daily email here.

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